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UncSam Farm

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This article is part of my 2019 Cameron Highlands trip series.

UncSam Farm (君子兰花园) is a plant nursery near Time Tunnel. When traveling from Brinchang to Kea Farm, UncSam Farm is located on the left side of the road. Admission is free.

UncSam Farm sells plants of various shapes, sizes and colors. For instance, red hot cat’s tail (ekor kucing) has furry flowers that resemble cat tails.

Some plants in UncSam Farm are grown hydroponically. The farm also grows strawberries, vegetables and cactus plants.

Next to UncSam Farm is Multicrops Central Market. This is where local produce like strawberries, flowers, tea and ornamental plants are sold. Unfortunately, most shops are not open today.

Address: 162, Batu 41, Brinchang, 39100 Cameron Highlands, Pahang
Contact: 05-491-5903
Business hours: 8:00am-6:00pm

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