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DoubleTree by Hilton 希尔顿逸林酒店 | Signature Across The State 经典料理 • 跨越大马

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准备好迎接这场 “逸林酒店” 的料理盛事了吗?就在今年 6 月,全马 7 家 DoubleTree by Hilton 旗下酒店将同时交换厨师,为大家跨州呈现各自的精彩料理!得益于集团有着多间同属酒店,才有了这场主题名为 “Signature Across The State: A Makan Kitchen Showcase” 的盛事,实在令人期待!

Photo Credit: DoubleTree by Hilton

为了是次盛事,逸林 DoubleTree by Hilton 特地选了吉隆坡中心的 DoubleTree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur 举行作为开幕仪式 ~ Foodveler 也有幸获得邀请出席,也可以一睹所有 7 家 逸林 DoubleTree by Hilton 的厨师们共聚一堂,共襄盛会的场景!

Group Photos of all chefs tonight

自 6 月 1 日起至 6 月 30 日,7 家 逸林 DoubleTree by Hilton 将会互换厨师;有兴趣的朋友可以参考以下列表,前往品尝各个厨师的代表料理!

DoubleTree Resort by Hilton PenangDoubleTree Resort by Hilton Damai Laut Flavors of Penang
DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Damai LautDoubleTree Resort by Hilton PenangFlavors of Perak
DoubleTree by Hilton MelakaDoubleTree by Hilton Johor BahruNyonya Cuisine
DoubleTree by Hilton Kuala LumpurDoubleTree by Hilton Putrajaya LakesideFlavors of Borneo
DoubleTree by Hilton PutrajayaDoubleTree by Hilton Kuala LumpurFlavors of Java
DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru DoubleTree by Hilton Flavors of Johor
DoubleTree by Hilton Shah Alam i-CityDoubleTree by Hilton MelakaFlavors of Indian Borneo

槟城娘惹 • 就在 DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Damai Laut

DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Damai Laut 将邀请槟城 DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Penang 的 Chef Hong Swee Aun 来到酒店驻点,为 Perak 州带来闻名的娘惹料理!

Chef Hong Swee Aun
Photo Credit: DoubleTree by Hilton

这次 Chef Hong Swee Aun 将带来的槟城娘惹料理有:

Yam Duck
Kapitan Chicken
Nyonya Steam Fish
Nyonya Peranakan Cuisine by DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Penang
shall be presented at DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Damai Laut

Dinner Buffet | Sunday to Thursday
RM 80 nett per adult | RM 40 nett per child

Dinner Buffet | Friday & Saturday
RM128 nett per Adult | RM64 nett per Child

For reservations or more information, please call 03-5684 3333, email, or visit

槟岛上 DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Penang 享用 Perak 州传统料理

Chef Muhamad 是个经验丰富,而且坚持使用传统烹饪手法的匠人厨师!这次 DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Damai Laut 在槟城呈献的是以 “Perak Culinary Heritage” 为主题的料理盛宴

Left: Sous Chef – Chef Muhamad bin Muhidin; Right: Executive Chef – Chef Shahril

Chef Muhamad 的拿手好菜有:-

Ikan Masak Lemak Tempoyak
Rendang Tok
Pais Ikan
Perak Culinary Heritage by DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Damai Laut
shall be presented at DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Penang

Dinner Buffet | Saturday
RM 158 nett per adult | RM 128 nett per senior | RM 98 nett per child

A la carte and Dulang Set
Sunday to Friday, 11am onwards
RM 128 nett for two persons

For reservations, call +6012 381 7586 or email, or visit

马六甲娘惹料理 • 今已来到 DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru

身处南马的你,不必长途跋涉即可享用到由 Chef Davian Foong 掌厨的马六甲娘惹料理!值得注意的是,马六甲娘惹料理和槟城娘惹料理其实是不太一样的!

Chef Davian Foong

来看看这次 Chef Davian 带来的马六甲娘惹料理都有些什么吧!

Udang Masak Lemak Nenas
Ayam Pongteh
Otak Otak
Nyonya Cuisine by DoubleTree by Hilton Melaka
shall be presented at DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru

Buffet | 6.30pm – 10pm
Sunday to Thursday
RM 128 nett per adult | RM 64 nett per child and senior citizen

For reservations, call +607 268 6868 or email, or visit

婆罗风味 • DoubleTree by Hilton Putrajaya Lakeside

来自 DoubleTree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur 的 Chef Zulkarnaen 将糅合自身的跨国工作经验,为大家带来婆罗洲度假风味的料理

Chef Zulkarnaen Suhaili
Photo Credit: DoubleTree by Hilton


Sabah Tiger Prawn & Asam Terung
Terung Asam – 婆罗 Borneo 独有的酸果
Umai Ikan & Latok
Jeruk Bambangan
Manok Pansoh
Borneo Cuisine by DoubleTree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur
shall be presented at DoubleTree by Hilton Putrajaya Lakeside

Dinner Buffet | Saturday
RM 148 nett per adult | RM 74 nett per child (6 - 12 years old)

For reservations, call +603 8890 0000 or email, or visit


来自 DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru 的 Chef Muhamad Khairi 这次为 DoubleTree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur 带来的是越洋的爪洼料理

Chef Muhamad Khairi
Photo Credit: DoubleTree by Hilton


Ayam Penyet
Ayam Penyet
Puyuh Ungkep
Puyuh Ungkep
Lamb Opor
Javanese Heritage by DoubleTree by Hilton Putrajaya Lakeside
shall be presented at DoubleTree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur

Dinner Buffet | Weekday
RM 128 nett per adult | RM 64 nett per child

Dinner Buffet | Weekend
RM 158 nett per adult | RM 79 nett per child

For reservations, call +603 2172 7272 or email, or visit

来到 DoubleTree by Hilton Shah Alam i-City 品尝柔佛的原味料理

DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru 将在 DoubleTree by Hilton Shah Alam i-City 为大家带来 “Johorean Old Time Favourites” 柔佛旧时光料理 ~ 由 Chef Jais bin Manan 亲自操刀,务必让吧生谷的朋友品尝到最原汁原味的柔佛古城美食!

Chef Jais bin Manan

Among the menu from Johorean Old Time Favourites:

Mee Rebus Johor Warisan
Lamb Shank Biryani Batu Pahat
Lamb Shank Biryani Batu Pahat
Kacang Pol Haji
Johorean Old Time Favourites by DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru
shall be presented at DoubleTree by Hilton Shah Alam i-City

Dinner Buffet | Friday & Saturday
RM 158 nett per adult inclusive of Welcome Drinks | RM 79 nett per child aged 7 - 12 years old

For reservations, call +603 5650 0200 or email, or visit

结合印度 & 婆罗州创新料理 • 就在 DoubleTree by Hilton Melaka

DoubleTree by Hilton Shah Alam i-City 的 Chef Wilson bin Ibid 结合了职业学习里的印度料理手法,再加上自身的婆罗洲背景,为大家设计了别无仅有的创新料理!

Chef Wilson bin Ibid
Photo Credit: DoubleTree by Hilton

Flavors of Indian Borneo Cuisine 餐单亮点:-

Scallop Umai | Latok
Tandoori Chicken Bambangan
Indian Lamb Pansuh
Flavors of Indian Borneo Cuisine by DoubleTree by Hilton Shah Alam i-City
shall be presented at DoubleTree by Hilton Melaka

Dinner Buffet | Friday & Saturday
RM 138 nett per adult | RM 69 nett per senior citizen & children aged 6 years old and above

For reservations, call +606 222 3333 or email, or visit

这次由全马 7 家 DoubleTree by Hilton 旗下酒店合作的 “Signature Across The State: A Makan Kitchen Showcase”,实属一场难得的盛事!让我们一起期待类似的盛典陆续有来吧 ~

想要更多旅食资料? 马上 WhatsApp Foodveler 吧!

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