圣诞佳节又到了!DoubleTree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur 今年的 Hilton Holidays 活动精彩纷呈,从璀璨的圣诞装饰到美味的节日大餐,定能让您和家人朋友共度一个难忘的圣诞节。

缤纷多彩 • 圣诞佳肴
Makan Kitchen 的圣诞菜单,不仅有经典的圣诞美食,还有 Gerald Chong 大厨的创意料理。今年的圣诞节,让我们一起在 DoubleTree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur 享受一场美食盛宴。

Festive Spiced Punch
用餐前,先来一杯热气腾腾的 Festive Spiced Punch 暖暖身吧!这款以多种香料和新鲜水果熬制的饮品,不仅味道醇厚,而且色泽艳丽,绝对能让你感受到浓浓的节日氛围。

Slow-Roasted Wagyu Beef Leg
这道 Slow-Roasted Wagyu Beef Leg 慢烤和牛腿肉,是节日餐桌上最耀眼的明星!40公斤的和牛腿肉经过低温慢烤,肉汁被牢牢锁住,每一口都汁水丰盈。经过慢烤后,肉质鲜嫩,口感细腻,是牛肉爱好者的不二之选。



Poached Whole Norwegian Salmon with Condiments
Poached Whole Norwegian Salmon 使用来自挪威的整条三文鱼,并采用水煮的方式,最大程度地保留了三文鱼的原汁原味,鱼肉鲜嫩,口感细腻。

Beef Pastrami
Beef Pastrami 的风味是经过长时间的腌制和烟熏工艺慢慢酝酿出来的,其独特的口感和浓郁的牛肉香气是其他牛肉制品无法比拟的。

Seafood On Ice

Grilled Australian Lamb Shoulder

Grilled US Oyster Rockefeller


Crab Dum Briyani
这道 螃蟹手抓饭 采用传统的印度烹饪手法,将新鲜螃蟹和长米饭一同焖煮,使得米饭充分吸收了螃蟹的鲜味,再搭配各种香料,香气四溢。

Steamed Whole Barramundi

圣诞甜品区 汇集了各种经典和创意的甜品,无论是喜欢传统口味还是追求新奇体验的朋友,都能在这里找到属于自己的那一款。

Sour Cream Morello Cherry Trifle & Lemon Meringue Cone

Pandan Agar-Agar

Gingerbread Man & Candy Sticks

Spice Apple Pear Tart

Choclate Entremets

Cinnamon Citrus Pannacotta

Raspberry Berry Mousse

Black Forest

Mascarpone Coffee Yule Log

Coconut Pandan Yule Log

Pineapple Mousse



Christmas Pudding, Hot Cross Bun Pudding & Mince Pie


此外,DoubleTree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur 也准备了圣诞特调饮料 “The Grinch”!

除了节日限定的美食,DoubleTree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur 的美食选择非常丰富,从马来风味的椰浆饭到印度风味的咖喱,再到中式糖水,应有尽有。


冷切肉和奶酪拼盘 提供了多种多样的选择,让你一次过品尝到世界各地的美味

喜爱面食的朋友可以在 Noodle Station 点上一碗热腾腾的汤面!

Teh Tarik – 马来西亚的国民饮料

ABC,也就是 “Ais Batu Campur” 在大马可说是老少皆喜爱!


看到这里,你是否已经蠢蠢欲动?还等什么 – 现在就联络酒店预订席位吧!

DoubleTree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur: Festive Feasts and Activities (December 2024)
Festive High Tea Buffet (Dec 1-29)
12:30pm - 4:00pm
RM148 nett per adult, RM74 nett per child
Festive Dinner Buffet (Dec 1-30)
6:30pm - 10:00pm
RM168 nett per adult, RM84 nett per child
Christmas Eve Festive Dinner Buffet
RM228 nett per adult, RM114 nett per child
Christmas Day High Tea Buffet
RM168 nett per adult, RM84 nett per child
Festive Activities
Christmas Race at Makan Kitchen: Experience a thrilling racing simulator!
Christmas Splash: Enjoy complimentary access to the outdoor saltwater pool.
Balloon sculptures and clown performances (weekends): Keep the kids entertained.
Exclusive Dining Experiences:
Festive or New Year's Eve 5-Course Dinner at Tosca
Authentic Italian flavors, featuring elevated dishes like Smoked Sea Scallop and Strawberry Rose Lychee Tart.
RM268 nett per person (includes New Year's Eve Countdown drink)
Makan Kitchen's New Year's Eve Dinner Buffet
Indulge in Slow-Baked Angus Ribs, Oven-Roasted Australian Lamb Shoulder, and fresh sashimi.
RM248 nett per adult, RM124 nett per child (includes New Year's Eve Countdown drink)
New Year's Eve Countdown at Axis Lounge
Ring in the New Year with live DJ performances, fun Carnival Games, and more!
RM40 nett per adult, RM20 nett per child (includes 1 drink)
For Reservation
Phone: +603 2172 7272
Email: KULDT_FBReservations@hilton.com
Website: EatDrinkHilton.com
想要更多旅行 和 饮食资料? 马上 WhatsApp Foodveler 吧!或可电邮至 jack@foodveler.com