今年的圣诞与跨年派对,吉隆坡帝盛酒店 Dorsett Kuala Lumpur 的 Checkers Cafe 将为您准备热闹又温馨的节日盛宴。带着 “Joy in the City” 的主题,让大家即使身在城中也可以品尝到传统佳节风味与现代创意的巧妙融合,再加上精心安排的乐队表演,绝对带给您难忘的节日体验。
圣诞佳肴 • 匠心独运
主厨 Chef Azmi 今年精心打造的圣诞大餐,不仅选用本地新鲜食材,每道菜品更是经过无数次的反复调整,旨在为大家带来舌尖上的享受!
圣诞烤鸡 Roasted Chicken
这次的餐单亮点无疑是烤鸡!主厨使用的鸡只体型颇大,肉质丰腴!烤好后鸡皮焦香微脆,鸡肉则是多汁且嫩滑 – 真的推荐你尝试!
除了美味浓郁的内脏酱 giblet sauce 外,一定不要错过蔓越莓酱 cranberry sauce。厨师将多种浆果和水果混合,经过数小时的慢煮而成;这酱汁味道带微酸略甜,而且果香满溢!
芝士焗生蚝 Cheese Baked Oysters
冰上海鲜 Seafood on Ice
开胃小菜 Appetizers
即使是开胃小菜,Checkers Cafe 也都精心设计并装饰,为节日增色不少。
芝士、果干 & 坚果拼盘 Cheese, Dried Fruits & Nuts Platters
烟熏三文鱼与预拌沙拉 Smoked Salmon & Composed Salads
迷你沙拉与冷切肉 Mini Salads & Cold Cuts
肉卷 Pâté
热汤与面包 Soups & Bread Counter
意式海鲜杂烩汤 Italian Seafood Cioppino Soup
南瓜栗子浓汤 Pumpkin & Chestnut Soup
热食区 Hot Dishes
咸鱼炒饭 Fried Rice with Salted Fish
泰式炒粿条 Pad Thai Noodle
苹果炖牛肉 Beef Stew with Apple & Garlic
辣椒蟹 Chili Crab
孢子甘蓝炒菌菇 Brussels Sprouts & Mushrooms
咸蛋炒虾 Salted Egg Prawns
香草杏梅烤鸡 Oven-Roasted Spatchcock with Thyme & Apricot Glaze
枫糖葡萄干酱烤羊腿 Lamb Leg with Maple Raisin Sauce
意大利面 Pasta Station
圣诞甜品 Christmas Desserts
德式圣诞蛋糕 Dresden Stollen
草莓树桐蛋糕 Strawberry Yule Log
巧克力树桐蛋糕 Chocolate Yule Log
果干蛋糕 Fruit Cakes
巧克力蛋糕 Chocolate Cake
芝士蛋糕 Cheesecake
水果专区 Fruits Counter
乐队现场表演 Live Band Performance by Monocort
Monocort 真的是我最喜欢的乐队之一!柔和的灯光下,悠扬的歌声和萨克斯风的旋律交织在一起,营造出一种温馨惬意的氛围。
回馈社区 Giving Back to the Community
今年,Lighthouse Children Welfare Home Association Kuala Lumpur and Selangor 被选为今年度 Dorsett 企业社会责任项目的受益者。
Joy in the City: Dorsett Kuala Lumpur
Christmas Eve Buffet
RM 198 nett per adult
RM 138 nett for senior citizens above 60 years old and children under 12 years old
Christmas Day Hi-Tea Buffet
RM88 nett per adult
RM44 nett for senior citizens and children
Year-End Countdown Party
Buffet dinner from 7:00 PM to 10:30 PM
Live performance by the Monocort band from 9:00 PM till midnight
Countdown party at Windows Lounge in the lobby with party packs
RM 208 nett per adult
RM 148 nett for senior citizens and children
Guests who book the Christmas Eve Buffet Dinner or the New Year’s Eve Party before 15 December 2024
will receive 10% off the adult pricing.
For dining reservations, call or whatsapp to +60 12 674 3509 or +60 12 628 0551.
想要更多旅行和饮食资料?马上 WhatsApp Foodveler 吧!或可电邮至 jack@foodveler.com