Ding Feng The Home Cooking Dishes: Savor the Iconic Mopping Char Siew in Sungai Way
In Malaysia, char siew, particularly charcoal-grilled char siew, is a culinary gem that can be found in many...

Unlocking the Precious Moments of Sungai Way @ Koridor Sejarah Kampung Baru Seri Setia
After enjoying a hearty breakfast at the bustling Sungai Way Market, we embarked on a short walk to...

双溪威巴刹 :难能可贵的社区精神象征
巴刹 – 也就是马来西亚对菜市场的昵称,词源自马来文 Pasar。巴刹一向来就是体现人间烟火最好的地方 – 应该这样说吧 – 如果你觉得生活无趣,不妨走进 双溪威巴刹 感受一下生活气息,和在吆喝声中体现出的生命力吧!

Pasar Sungai Way :A Precious Beacon of Community Spirit
A “pasar,” or market as known in Malaysia, has always been the epitome of earthly delights. Pasar Seri...

半日闲游 • 静赏闹市里的旧时光 – 双溪威新村
如果你住在雪州,短短的周末不想舟车劳顿,建议你可以过去 双溪威新村 Sungai Way 走一趟!这里适合一家大小的出游!你可知道 – 在 1953 年 10 月 23 日,时任美国副总统尼克逊 Richard Nixon 也曾经协同夫人到访双溪威新村哦!

Explore the Hidden Gem of Sungai Way New Village: A Half-Day Journey
If you’re a resident of Selangor, Malaysia, and looking for a quick weekend getaway without the hassle of...

Leng Eng Tian – Sungai Way Nine Emperor Gods Temple
Standing tall amidst the bustling Sungai Way New Village, the Sungai Way Nine Emperor Gods Temple is another...