Ulu Yam 卤面之乡 [1] :始于 1946 年的乌鲁音味道
延伸阅读 Ulu Yam 卤面之乡 [2] :质朴生面故乡味 都说 Ulu Yam Lama 以 卤面驰名,那么Ulu Yam 卤面的由来又是怎样的呢?Ulu Yam Lama 虽然不大,但是却有不少家卤面店;有些是老字号,有些是后起之秀,例如 9657...

探索美丽绽放的蝴蝶兰世界:World of Phalaenopsis | Ulu Yam
认识蝴蝶兰 Phalaenopsis World of Phalaenopsis | Ulu Yam 是马来西亚最大的蝴蝶兰花园。Phalaenopsis 蝴蝶兰的拉丁文学名是由希腊語phalaina(蛾)和opsis(观看)构成,在新马地区也被通称为 – 胡姬 orchid;新加坡更是采用了 Vanda Miss Joaquim 卓锦万代兰作为国花。Agnes Joaquim...

Restoran Samy Bak Kut Teh – Authentic Herbal Recipe of Klang
First, let’s test your knowledge – what does ‘San Mei’ represent in Samy Bak Kut Teh?

Choon Guan Hainan Coffee 1956 | Savoring Hainanese Heritage @ Pandamaran
Have you ever wondered why bread, a non-traditional Chinese food, has become a classic breakfast item in Malaysia?...

Rumah Papan | A Time Capsule of Pandamaran
Nestled within the heart of Pandamaran, Klang, you’ll find Rumah Papan, a living testament to the history and...

Tokong Kuan Tien Keng At Pandamaran
Klang is a town rich in history and cultural diversity. Today’s visit brings us to Tokong Kuan Tien...

吧生班达马兰观天宫 成立于 1975 年,主座乃是哪啅哈芝莫哈曼,供奉的神明则有拿督公,拿督奶奶,观音菩萨,五營将军,五太子,虎爷公 和 地藏王菩萨

Discover the Nostalgic Charm of Chong Kok Kopitiam in Klang
Step into Chong Kok Kopitiam, situated on the quaint pre-war streets of Klang, and be transported back in...

走一趟吧生皇城老街! [3] : 中国酒店 Chong Kok Kopitiam
位于吧生战前老街的 中国酒店 ,不仅带给你旧时好味道,就连咖啡店本身的建筑也是依然古色古香;看那门柱写着 ”中国酒店菜馆“,你可知为何?